Find Session
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Below you will find an image or code on how to implement a find session, or you could of course just use the lobby we've provided you inside the example project it comes with find session fully assembled and ready.
Map Name: This will be the map name that you're searching for.
Game Mode: This will be the mode you're searching for.
Game Region: This will be the region you're searching for we also have a node called "RWSGetRegions" to get a list of region usually you add this to a dropwdown and when a user selects that you return the result and plug it into GameRegion. We do this inside the Example Lobby if you wanna take a look at that.
Game Type: This is your Type aka genre, Can be FPS, Third Person, Battle Royale. It will be publicly viewed.
Custom: This will return the data on the server
Matchmaking Custom: Will be called once a user has connected to the server. So say you have a party of user and you want to reconnect them on a server level this is what this variable is used for.
Success Callback: Callback function called after successful Find Session.
Error Callback: Callback function called after the request resulted with an error.
Message Update Callback: Callback function called after the request has been updated with data.